I have been tagged once again! This time by my girl over at minikitklan.blogspot.com
Thanks Gabbs! If I tag you, you must do the same thing on your blog!
Attached or Single? Happily married to the man of my dreams! We're going on 5 and a half years.
Best Friend? I would have to say my mommy. We have become so close through these tough times.
Cake or Pie? I am definitely a chocolate smothered... not covered, but smothered cake girl! Although a nice slice of sweet potato pie with whip cream ALWAYS hits the spot!
Day of Choice? Friday... DATE NIGHT! My Hunster and I usually wait until the kids are in bed and then we order in from our favorite wing place and snuggle up on the couch.
Essential Item? My journal. I carry it with me everywhere I go, jotting down random thoughts or poems that come to mind.
Flavor of Ice Cream? I loooove Moose Tracks. But for some reason I always go back to Butter Pecan.
Gummy Bears or Worms? Neither! Not a big fan of things that take the rest of the day to get out of my teeth.
Hometown? The original 5-6-1 ya'lls
Indulgences? Getting my nails done. After wearing gloves all day just about everyday because I'm scrubbing toilets, washing dishes, or doing some other kind of grease fighting it's nice to pamper them every once in a while.
January or July? January, most definitely!
Kids? Two beautiful children, Poopy (5) Beany (19ms)
Last Movie I saw in a Theater? My mom and sister took me out for my birthday to see Mama Mia. It was so good. We were cracking up. I downloaded the soundtrack a few days later on itunes.
Middle name? Maria. Named after St. Mary
Number of Siblings? I have 4 brothers and 1 sister.
Oranges or Apples? I prefer apples.
Phobia or Fear? Lizards. I'm serious! I'm deathly afraid.
Quote? " I am not moved by what I see, I am not moved by what I feel. I am moved by what I believe." Smith Wigglesworth
Reason to Smile? My family. My wonderful husband, my hero, and my two beautiful children.
Season? Fall/Winter. I love to wrap up in my scarves, put on my furry boots and go out for a nice chai latte with my girls.
Tag five more: Yeah ummm... Gabbs you pretty much got everybody. None of my other friends blog... they just read mine.
Unknown Fact About Me? I am completely obsessed with anything having to do with money management. I get so excited every Friday to sit down and do our budget for the coming week.
Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? I could be a vegetarian... but my husband needs his meat.
Worst Habit? Drinking Coca~Cola. I have a weakness for the stuff.
Xrays or Ultrasounds? Both... they were kinda cool.
Your favorite Food? I would have to say Sushi.
Zodiac? Leo
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
Wow, Brandi! That's some word-craziness going on there. I don't even know how that would happen! Love Ya!!
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