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Today I decided to do a mini photo shoot with Caleb & Emilio outside while they were playing. I have been watching little Caleb since he was about 9 months old. Him and Emilio have become the best of friends. Since I'm not a fan of posed pictures, I decided to just let them do their thing, and just snap away, hoping I would get at least a few good ones I could frame. They ran, they jumped, they even took turns wearing Emilio's hat. They share a bond that's closer than friends, it's more like a brotherhood. They ate dirt together, pulled out handfuls of grass to give to the other one to taste, it really was cute. Oh, and don't worry, I stepped in once Emilio turned to look at me, and I noticed all his teeth were black.
So, I sat back in the grass on this hot summer day, taking these pictures that one day I hope, they will both appreciate. Just watching them run and play brought me back to the beginning, when they first met. There were lots of fights over toys, food, you name it. But they have since matured into bouncy 2-yr old boys that actually look out for each other now. They bring each other their sippy cups, when Beany gets two m&m's for going potty, he always asks for them both to be the same color so that he can give one to his bestest friend, Caleb, and Caleb is actually the ONLY person he shares his cars with, besides his papi of course.
This was fun. Now I have to get Amiyah together with some of her bestees for their own shoot.