About four ladies from our church, plus myself, headed up to West Palm Beach once again, for another race. This weekend it was - The Race For Faith.
We were in the middle of the beautiful Okeeheelee Park, on a trail that wound around such beautiful lakes. I was really excited to be there, my family and I used to visit this park quite often when I was growing up. Cooking out, fishing... it brought back a lot of memories.
I didn't run this race, I walked. My friend Lorraine has been having major back problems, and although she's a lot better, she was still having a hard time... so the wheelchair was her partner once again. She walked most of it, and I think only had to sit down once, but got back up, because she wanted to walk over the finish line. Anyhow, I wasn't going to run off and leave my girl.
We finished dead last... Yay us! It took us over an hour, but hey... we finished.
We had lots of fun!