For Christmas Joey's parents got Amiyah a camera. After looking over the package, I came to realize... it wasn't compatible with our mac.
Today, while Joey stayed home, I seized the opportunity, and took the camera to the store to exchange it. I also got a little free time, which was nice. Yes, I know, it's February. When your lugging three kids around all day, with diaper bags, and toys, even the smallest of trips tend to take forever. I decided to save myself the hassle, and wait until I could go alone. I exchanged her other camera for a different one, it was $20.00 more, and I also had to get her a memory card.
The pictures above Amiyah and I took today while she was making her candy necklaces for her classmates. The last picture of me, that looks kinda crazy, was taken with the flash on. Ah well, not my camera of choice, but now she can do whatever she wants with it and I don't have to worry about her touching mine... that is, when I get a new one. I uploaded all of the pictures she took today in to her own folder in iphoto. i can't wait to teach her about blogging. She loves watching me do it.