Emilio has been in love with this pair of white infant shoes for a few months. I thought for sure this obsession would last a long time.
However as of late, he hasn't really played with them. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to be rid of them forever. I took the shoes, and placed them in my room on my dresser to be put away with the baby stuff I save.
About a week later, I notice him all of a sudden throw himself onto his belly, and do the wounded soldier crawl in a hurry towards something. I got down on the floor to see exactly what it was he was so determined to get. What was it? You guessed it,his little white shoe! So now, a week later the shoes have made it back with his toys to be played with. It doesn't matter what's with his toys, when he sees those shoes, he gets crazy.
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
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