Playing outside with Emilio...
Just being beautiful.
She brought me that flower.
We watched Bolt at Jodi's house...
We went to the pumpkin patch...
Went to Miami...
Got tricked into helping her cousin clean her room...
gave Beany a taste of his own medicine, after dealing with him bothering them all week...
and last but not least, we played dress-up just about everyday. Here she is demonstrating how the Prince is supposed to kiss Snow White, to wake her up. She had me cracking up.
A week after baby Kalel was born, big sister Brianna came to stay with us for a week. We were so excited to have her over. I knew my week was going to be full of unexpected fun when I woke up the first morning with my daughter telling that Brianna had taken it upon herself to get a yogurt from the fridge, and a spoon from the drawer, walked into the play room, sat at the picnic table and started eating. Ahhh... my niece. I love her.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A fun week
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 11:15 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Alone Time
My hubby and I haven't had any real time to ourselves recently. He works six days a week, and about 13-15 hr. days. Needless to say... I have really started to miss him. This weekend, Joey's parents took the kids, along with their cousin Julian to Sebring. Although we missed them TREMENDOUSLY, we really needed that time. Joey DID work Saturday, but that evening we finished watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (such a sad, but beautiful movie) and cuddled on the couch. This morning (Sunday) we decided to sleep in, wake up... whenever (what a feeling that was) and go for a late breakfast. We drove down A1A with the windows down, stopping into The Sports Authority to get my Obe some new kicks. We drove home, and enjoyed a nice long nap. Sunday afternoon naps are the best. I'm now enjoying some hot tea, and my last bit of peace and quiet while thinking about how much I truly love him. We sometimes get so caught up in what we think we don't have in our relationships, that we forget to focus on the beautiful, yet sometimes simple, things we do have. We drove by La Bamba, the restaurant where we had our first "date". If you call myself, him, his brother, and his friend German a romantic date ;). Then we drove by the Barnes & Nobles where we spent most of our time, and our last stop, was Ruth's Chris, the restaurant we dined in for our 1st Anniversary.
It was so nice to go down memory lane, and just remember our beginnings.
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Happy 2nd Birthday Miranda!
My niece Miranda celebrated her second birthday October 17th. The cool thing about her actual birthday, is she shares it with her daddy (my brother). She had a blast singing and dancing, playing dress-up, and eating her Dora cake.
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Kalel!
The Kidd family
I <3>
Big sister Brianna had just woken up from a nice long nap.
Grandma & Auntie awaiting the arrival of our baby Kalel.
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 6:20 AM 0 comments
There is so much to talk about. I have lots of new pics to share. I should be back here tomorrow (hopefully). Have a great Sunday!
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 12:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Who said summer's coming to an end?

While on a recent trip to the Salvation Army with the kids, I came across a rack of old swimsuits. Now, I NEVER buy other people's old swimsuits... that's just gross. I started going through the rack when I came across a swimsuit I never thought I would ever find myself being drawn to. It was bright yellow, and had bright blue and pink circles all over it... IT WAS AMAZING! So bright and cheerful... it screamed happiness!
Now, I'm not a fan of most 80's fashion, but to me, the swimsuits are crazy cool. Since I don't buy old swimsuits, I thought I'd come home and look some up that I might like. These two were my favorite. The top one is the coolest... I think, and the one I would wear. You can find it at:
for only $14.00. That's a steal! Summer is definitely not over for me, in fact... it's just getting started!
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Just do it... it's so much fun!
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 10:23 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
I'm back!!
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 5:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 19, 2009
Change has come

I feel an explanation is in order for the slacking off that I have done as far as posting. I can blame it on many things, but the truth of the matter is, my mind has just been in, and currently still is in, about 4 different directions.
Let me start off by saying just how incredibly awesome our Lord is. Not just in our times of need... but always. My love has been without a job since last November. He has had many odd jobs since, including a job with a guy that has since become a close friend of his, but nothing permanent, with good pay, and benefits. Being that the number of job losses increases almost daily, we knew it would truly be the hand of God if my love found a job. So, he set off to prepare himself for just about the only positions that he could find that were still available... truck driving. He went to school, and completed all the classes and tests to get his CDL class A license. Now the hard part. After applying for just about every available position he could find, we had to wait, in the hopes that someone out there would give a guy with little experience a chance.
Meanwhile... for the past few months we have been trying to sell our condo. For obvious reasons, we simply couldn't afford it anymore. We have a contract on it now, and since it's a short sale, we were just waiting on the approval from the banks on the price. After a few more months, we have come to find out, the banks have approved the amount.
After finding this out, Joey got a call from Choice Environmental Services about a truck driving job. He went in for the interview, took the driving test, and had a drug test. A week later he got the call... "You got the job." We were both thrilled beyond belief. So, now with a new job in place, condo sold, we were on the search for an apartment. I wasn't very thrilled though, I have become quite tired of apartment living. Sharing the washer/dryer, pool, and hearing constant bumping, loud kids, and even louder radios and televisions above us... we were so over it.But then again, whatever the Lord had in store, we were willing to accept. That all worked out for us in the end, no one seemed to want to take a chance on a guy with a brand new job. So... we started looking for single family homes to rent for the year. While talking to my Pastor and his wife, he mentioned that Joe Novelo, Pastor, Executive Director of Missionary Resource Network, and missionary in Brazil, had a house not very far from ours for rent. Oh, and get this, he just happened to be in town from Brazil trying to find someone to rent the house. He came to our church last weekend to share what has been going on in Brazil. Joe and I had lunch with him, and talked about the house. Ladies and gentelman, as of last night, we will be renting his house from him! We are just so thankful to the Lord. Even through these tough times, He still makes a way.
More updates to come.
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 5:20 AM 3 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Best Friends
So, I sat back in the grass on this hot summer day, taking these pictures that one day I hope, they will both appreciate. Just watching them run and play brought me back to the beginning, when they first met. There were lots of fights over toys, food, you name it. But they have since matured into bouncy 2-yr old boys that actually look out for each other now. They bring each other their sippy cups, when Beany gets two m&m's for going potty, he always asks for them both to be the same color so that he can give one to his bestest friend, Caleb, and Caleb is actually the ONLY person he shares his cars with, besides his papi of course.
This was fun. Now I have to get Amiyah together with some of her bestees for their own shoot.
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Confession -
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 10:22 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day Celebration!

Saturday night my parents, myself, and my brother and sister, went out to City Place to take our mom to Taverna Opa for dinner. We had an absolute blast! The food was amazing, (I had lobster tail and opa fries) but the ambiance was even better. We couldn't help but shake our hips and shoulders to the Middle Eastern music playing loudly in our ears. There wasn't a still table in the place. Every so often the belly dancers would come from the back with their costumes that were full of color, and a whole lot of sparkle. They would come around each and every table clanging their finger cymbals together and shaking their hips. They jumped up on the bar, and even right on top of people's tables as they were eating. But of course no one cared, some people even put their forks down and jumped up there with them. If it's a quiet night out your looking for... Taverna Opa is NOT the place for you. Later in the evening, the servers come around passing out entire packs of napkins. Everyone in the restaurant either stands on their tables or chairs and starts dancing. The music gets louder and louder, and everyone is dancing and singing awaiting the DJ's... OPA! Once he says that, EVERYONE in the place throws the napkins in the air, and all you see is a white shower of napkins. And then, my friends, the real dancing begins! My parents even got up and were doing their thing, it was really cute!
I hope you ladies are up for it because that's where my Birthday dinner is going to be this year. Hmmm... I might even get myself a set of finger cymbals.
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 11:30 AM 4 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Are these the coolest?

So, I was paying a visit to one of my favorite blogs oh happy day, when I came across this post. I just think these napkin invites are the coolest things ever! Although I was not blessed with the great ability to draw, I'm sure I can come up with something neat to put on one of our dinner napkins. How about a love note to my one true love? Or an invite to a tea party on pink napkins for Amiyah's friends? The possibilities are endless.
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 10:45 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So while the kids were down for peaceful naps, I took full advantage and rented Changeling on itunes. I have been dying to see it. I really don't do thrillers - I find myself not sleeping for days just because I can't get the images out of my head, but after finding out it was a true story, and getting great reviews from some very reliable sources (my girls) I decided to watch it. So as to not ruin the movie for those who haven't had the pleasure of seeing it, I won't give anything away. I will simply say, it was a great movie. I cried almost the entire time. To know that something this devastating really happened, and that this women was able to stay focused on finishing what had been started... was truly inspiring. It's a must see, for sure!
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 1:11 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
It's not even 9:30 in the morning...
So, off Amiyah went to school. I always go back to bed when Joe leaves the house to take her because the Bean is still sleeping and so I figure I'll get in at least another hour before he wakes up.
Not today. I fell asleep about 7:18, and a little after 8 was woken up to the sound of squirting. I jumped from my bed, horrified that he had a spray bottle and was spraying everything in sight - he's done it before. So where was the Bean? He was sitting in my desk chair, yup the very one I'm sitting in now, spraying my mac with water. I was horrified. I flew from the bed, snatched the spray bottle from him ( I apologized later ) and just stood there in shock. The Bean jumped from the chair and ran off in fear, he knows that no one is allowed to mess with mommy's computer. After wiping down every inch of my beloved computer, I plopped down in the chair rubbing my eyes and said to myself, " Lord, is this just a glimpse of what my days going to be like? "
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 5:49 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day!
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Goodness me!
About three weeks ago, I took three days to potty train our Bean, and he is doing exceptionally well. He has been in big boy underwear since day one. During the day when he needs to use the potty he comes and tells either myself or Joe, and he even told the teacher in the nursery he had to go pee, (something we were afraid he wouldn't do) I saw the two of them rushing to the bathroom with his potty seat in hand. It was cute, he was all smiles. At night he sleeps with his underwear, as well as during his naps. He wakes himself up and yells, " Mommy, potty! " And then Joey or I rush in to help him to the bathroom. We are so proud of our little crazy-haired guy.
The following week, the Bean, along with some of his close friends, took swimming lessons. My poor Bean cried all week. The funny thing was, even though he was screaming his head off, he was picking up everything the instructor had taught him. He floats on his back, and when dropped in the pool, will turn around and swim to the wall. On Friday, the last day of swim class, the parents got a chance to get in the pool with the kids to practice everything they had learned, so that we are well prepared to continue the lessons at home. Since his lessons, we have been to the pool quite a few times, and each time we go, my Bean is more and more confident in his ability to swim. Just about everyday after picking up Amiyah from school ( that's usually when we go ) he says, " Mommy, we go cool? " - that's how he says pool. ; ) He jumps off the wall, side into the water, swims to the wall, slides along the wall with his hands, climbs the steps, and does it all over again. I think it's the cutest thing because he's just so tiny.
A week after that I started walking with some ladies from church. I get up around 4:30-4:45 and meet at a park in Coral Springs by 5:30 to walk my 3-4 miles every morning. I'm trying to get myself into gear. I've been doing a lot of 5k walks, but I want to start running them. So, yesterday I started running as well. It was a little rough, seeing as how I haven't really ran in quite a while.
So, when I have a free moment hopefully soon, I will be uploading pictures.
Until then...
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 8:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Coming soon....
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 11:01 AM 2 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
First Day of Spring

For those of us living in South Florida, the first day of spring only means it's time to bust out the bathing suits and flip-flops, if you haven't already, because the hot hot summer days are upon us. Winter this year was alright. We had a few days that were ridiculously cold, but the rest of it wasn't really much of anything. I'm totally speaking for myself here. You see, I LOVE the cold, and every year I pray for snow ( silly I know) but always get nothing. So, now that spring is here, and my dreams of waking up to snow outside are gone, I prepare for the days ahead. Spring cleaning is finally done. Cob webs down, baseboards scrubbed, underneath beds and dressers have been cleaned, and all of our fluffy sweaters have been packed away. This coming week, we'll be gathering all of our summer supplies in preparation for the coming weeks. As far as attire is concerned, everyone except me is prepared, as usual. The only swimsuit I have is a yellow bikini. I absolutely love it, but have been thinking that this year, I'll go modest. Now relax, I'm not talking about something all the way to my neck, and down to my knees.I have been doing a lot of thinking, and an itsy-bitsy-bikini isn't something I would EVER want to see my daughter running around in, so as her mommy, I need to be the example - I'll save the bikini for a vacation with Papi ; ) So, this weekend the hubs and I are going... BATHING SUIT SHOPPING!!! Yeah, just for the record, he's not as excited as I am.
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 12:23 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Belly Series

So, tell me this is not freaking adorable! Photographer Ryan Marshall takes weekly pictures of his beautiful wife's growing belly. But that's not all.On the side of each picture, he writes notes to their unborn child. It's just the sweetest thing. See more at -
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 12:56 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
But not to worry, my lovelies, I have been taking plenty of pictures, and writing every little detail in my journal. Once Wednesday night comes, I should be ready to sit and tell you all about it. Until then, wish the Bean... and me, many blessings!
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 12:03 PM 4 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
He's a happy Bean!
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hi there!
- Design Mom ~ She finds all the coolest, and not to mention cutest things all over the web. And how could I forget her giveaways... they are the best!
- Tollipop ~ If your an avid reader like myself, then you'll enjoy sitting back and relaxing in your favorite chair, or maybe even your bed, and reading her stories. They are so captivating... she really is so very talented.
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
An afternoon at the park

Cute Caleb.
It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. We couldn't resist the urge to take the kids out to the park on what was one of the coldest days this year. Emilio hated the fact that he had to put on so many layers, he screamed as though being tortured the entire time. Caleb on the other hand, he doesn't care, he just stood there and smiled. I picked up Amiyah from school and drove down the street to the park where we were to meet our friends. A couple seconds after pulling into a parking space, Lorraine pulled up next to me. Amiyah started to yell, " Shani, Mari!" as though they could hear her behind the window. She jumped out of the car, and ran to them. I believe Mari came out first. Amiyah and Mari ran to each other, it was just like a scene in a movie except they almost knocked each other to the ground because of the impact.
We also met up with little Timmy, and Mrs. Alice, and a couple of her friends and their kids. The afternoon was filled with lots of laughter. But of course, no time spent in the park would have been complete without... the occasional meltdown.
Posted by Brandi Abadia at 11:48 AM 2 comments